More Than Just Mountain View Unforgettable Experience Very detail is pre-planned and orchestrated to ensure guests have the best possible experience of mountain life. Within the Chalet itself, very detail is pre-planned and orchestrated to ensure guests have the best possible experience of mountain life. $120 / PersonOutdoors Mountain HikingWith over 1,600 kilometres (994 miles) of trails, Banff National Park offers adventurers some of the best hiking on the planet. Discover Trip $120 / PersonNature Paddling TourBanff National Park’s biggest lake allows you to paddle for miles and enjoy breathtaking views. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Discover Trip $180 / PersonOutdoors Camping TourBanff offers a range of camping spots allowing you to experience all of this most gorgeous park’s outdoor splendour. Discover Trip $120 / PersonOutdoors RaftingBanff offers a range of camping spots allowing you to experience all of this most gorgeous park’s outdoor splendour. Discover Trip $160 / PersonNature Horse TrekkingBanff National Park’s biggest lake allows you to paddle for miles and enjoy breathtaking views. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Discover Trip $60 / PersonOutdoors Cycle TouringCycle tourists can explore extensive road signs and paths, rural roads and local road networks, enjoy physical exercise in the open air. Discover Trip